Jumat, 30 September 2011

Why Women Need Gymnastics Kegel?

Female pelvic floor muscles is easily weakened by childbirth, age or overweight which resulted, among others, hard to hold pee (beser). To strengthen these pelvic muscles with Kegel exercises can be done. These exercises can also improve sexual activity.

Pelvis down and is a condition known as pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic drop due cause pelvic pressure, uncomfortable and cause leakage of urine. Pelvic organ prolapse is not inevitable.

However, Kegel exercises can help delay or even prevent pelvic organ prolapse and associated symptoms. Kegel exercises can strengthen pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and bowel.

Kegel exercises are usually performed along with counseling and sex therapy, so that it can also help women who have problems achieving orgasm.

The technique is easy to do Kegel exercises contract the way he is (hold then release) the muscles as to initially hold urine for 5 seconds, then relax. Keep repeating the exercise at least five times in succession with increasing length of time to hold urine for 15-20 seconds.

This exercise is relatively easy because it can be done anytime and only takes a few minutes. Exercises can be done in the office chair, sitting, walking, standing, or lying down.

Kegel exercises are one of the physical exercise that is very easy to do and can be done anywhere, even while completing other tasks. Kegel exercises can indeed be done anytime, even while driving a car, sitting at a desk or relax on the couch. Kegel exercises can be performed even though being pregnant.

How to do Kegel exercises?

It takes diligence to identify pelvic muscles and learn how to do contraction and relaxation with a true and correct. As quoted from MayoClinic, Thursday (22/09/2011), some hints for Kegel exercises, among others:

1. Looking for proper muscle
Insert a finger inside the vagina and try to squeeze the surrounding muscles. The pelvis is moved upwards to the vagina can also be moved. Then do feel that muscle relaxation and pelvic floor back to the starting position.

Can also try to stop the flow of urine when you urinate. Doing Kegel exercises with a full bladder can weaken the muscles. and can cause bladder emptying is not complete, so it can increase the risk of urinary tract infections.

2. Perfecting the technique
After identifying your pelvic muscles and bladder emptying, then sit or lie down. Perform pelvic floor muscle contraction, hold the contraction for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds.

Try 4 or 5 times in a row. Then increase the exercise duration of 5 seconds to 10 seconds, and certainly give pause when going to start training again.

3. Keeping focus
For best results, focus on tightening the pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in, thigh muscles, the abdominal muscles or buttocks muscles. Avoid not to hold my breath. Instead, breathe freely during exercise.

4. Do the exercises 3 times a day
Perform the exercise repetitions from 3 to 10 times every day. Malakukan repeatedly exercise every day is very likely to Kegel exercises, because these exercises can be done while doing other activities.

When experiencing difficulties

If you're having trouble doing Kegel exercises, do not be shy to ask for help. Physician or other health care provider can help you to be able to isolate and exercise the muscles correctly.

In some cases, biofeedback exercises may also help. During biofeedback training sessions, your doctor or health care provider will insert a small probe into the vagina.

When performing the contraction in the pelvic muscles, you will see the measurement on the monitor, making it possible to know whether it has managed to make the contraction in the muscles of the right. Can also to see how long it can maintain contraction.

If necessary, electrical stimulation is sometimes also an option. During the procedure, the doctor or other health care providers will give a small electrical current to the pelvic floor muscles. The electrical current can make muscle contractions, which usually produces the sensation of buzzing. Once accustomed to these sensations, you may be able to repeat the exercise.

If you do Kegel exercises regularly, it will show the results, such as leakage of urine (beser) was reduced in about 8-12 weeks. For some women, Kegel exercises can lead to significant improvements in sexual activity.

However, at least Kegel exercises can prevent worsening of sexual problems. In order to provide the benefits of Kegel exercises continuously, it is necessary to routinely.

Tricks Sports Safe for Diabetes

One of the things recommended for people with diabetes is exercise. But to know what steps to do to stay safe while exercising.

Sport has the potential to control diabetes through drugs such as non reducing disease severity as well as significantly reducing the risk of long-term complications.

Other benefits can be gained is to burn calories, helps the body respond to insulin, improve circulation, especially in the arms and legs, helps reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure and reduce stress.

Even so there are some things to do during exercise so as not to cause injury or wound, because people with diabetes tend to have a longer recovery time and potential complications.

Here are some things you should note, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (09/23/2011), namely:
1. Talk with your doctor to find out what a good sport to do
2. Exercise regularly, ideally at the same time every day, and adjust the schedule of meals and insulin injections
3. But avoid injecting insulin into the muscle to be used during exercise, because insulin is absorbed rapidly so that it can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
4. Avoid exercise when blood sugar levels are low, so check blood sugar levels before and after exercise
5. Try to eat high-carbohydrate about 15 minutes before exercise
6. When you exercise wear cotton socks and comfortable shoes that fit and, once completed check whether there are foot injuries, abrasions, irritation or other injury because people with diabetes tend to be more resistant (numbness)
7. If you feel any numbness or reduced feeling in the legs, then choose a low impact activities such as walking, cycling or swimming and avoid jogging
8. If you have heart problems, should not exercise its own
9. Or high-impact strength training is not recommended for people with uncontrolled diabetes.
10. Exercise can lower blood sugar levels, so keep in mind the signs of hypoglycemia during exercise, such as headaches, rapid heart beat, confusion, weakness, stop exercising immediately.
11. Try to bring the glucose food such as chocolate, sweets or sweet drinks, because hypoglycemia can occur during exercise or a few hours later.

Exercise to Lower Cholesterol

If someone has high cholesterol levels are usually advised to exercise. Actually how exercise can help lower cholesterol levels?

High cholesterol have different effects on the body, one of which is fatigue. When plaque forms on artery walls, can lead to conditions such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease (CHD) and coronary microvascular disease or coronary microvascular disease (CMD) which makes the body feel tired fast.

Exercise has many benefits for cardiovascular directly as lowering blood pressure, improve diabetic conditions, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of various diseases. So the doctor will suggest a modification in lifestyle such as sports. Here's how exercise can help lower cholesterol, Lifemojo, Wednesday (09/28/2011), namely:

1. Lowering triglycerides, exercise in the morning can increase levels of postprandial plasma triglycerides throughout the day. Recent studies from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver said exercise helps weight loss and lowering triglyceride levels in excess.

2. Increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL), regular aerobic exercise (like walking, jogging or bike) for 20-30 minutes can menajdi the most effective way to increase levels of HDL.

Here are some exercises you can do to help lower cholesterol, namely:

   1. Stretching (stretching), stretching is a very important part of any exercise program. Stretching the arms and legs can help prepare your muscles, prevent injury and tension and increase flexibility.
   2. Cardio or aerobic exercise, this type of exercise can strengthen the heart, lungs and the body's capacity to use oxygen. Lathan cardio regularly can help reduce heart rate and blood pressure have an impact on cholesterol reduction.
   3. Strength training (strength training), this sport involves repetitive muscle contractions with the aid of the load.
   4. Yoga and tai chi, in this sport are trained in breathing and stretching techniques that help improve blood flow throughout the body and reduce and prevent narrowing of the arteries.

Warming and Cooling Important When Exercise

Exercise has many benefits for health. In order for the perceived benefits of the maximum, do not forget to do these 2 things before and after exercise.

There are two important aspects during exercise should be done so that results can be better exercise and maximum, that is also warming up and cooling (cooling down), each performed for 15 minutes.

Here is the reason why the heating and cooling needs to be done before and after exercise, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (30/09/2011), namely:

Before starting olahrga the muscles in the body in a state of rigid, so it needs to be warming to loose to be ready to do vigorous activity and avoid injury.

There are several things to do in the process of warming up and stretching, namely:

   1. To raise the body temperature, the heating should start with light aerobic activity like jogging.
   2. To launch an arm stretch and improve blood circulation to the upper body and body position should be balanced. Raise your hand and feel the way stretching from the waist followed by taking a deep breath to feel relaxed or relaxed.
   3. Stretch your shoulders to help increase range of motion, let the arms follow the shoulders can move while sitting or standing.
   4. Lift leg to stretch the hamstrings, one leg lifted and one foot still touching the ground another.

After exercising the body needs to be cooling as important as the heating process. This is necessary so that the muscles are pushed out when exercising the same again.

There are several things to be done in the cooling process, namely:

   1. Wiggled his hips or bones to reduce the tension of the lower back.
   2. Light aerobic exercise such as walking is good for cooling, because it allows the body to melembabakan yourself.
   3. Use warm clothes in the process of cooling to prevent heat loss from the body.
   4. Stretch to make the muscles so relaxed, do it slowly and hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds.

How Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture has been practiced since thousands of years ago by the people of East Asia. But how do they work at the cellular level is unknown, as a result of this treatment is often contrary to medical advice. The researchers also found the answer.

By using the monitor brain, researchers from the University of Michigan proved that acupuncture technique that has long used the Chinese people is to influence the long-term ability of the brain to regulate pain.

The study appears in the Journal of NeuroImage it was mentioned that the techniques used acupuncture has been found by increasing the ability of Mu-opioids Receptors (MOR) in the brain and reduces the pain signals, which are specific to the glands cingulate, insula, caudate, thalamus and amygdala.

The experts see the same facts on drug use in the medical world, where the drugs painkillers like morphine, codeine and others were also works by binding to these receptors (MOR) in the brain and spinal cord.

"The ability to bind to these receptors can reduce pain," says Richard E. Harris, PhD, a researcher from Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center, as reported by ScienceDaily, Wednesday (08/12/2009).

The study, followed by 20 female participants diagnosed with fibromyalgia is a chronic disease (chronic condition that causes pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles, tendons, and joints-send). During the study lasted, they were not given drugs to relieve pain, but given acupuncture techniques.

Respondents then do a scan of Position Emission Tomography (PET) in their brains during the running of acupuncture treatment. Monitoring the brain continues to do until they feel the pain disappeared.

From there, researchers concluded that it has the effect of acupuncture techniques and ways of working with drugs like painkillers. "Interestingly, acupuncture treatment is not much different from clinical medicine," said Harris.

Techniques including acupuncture alternative medicine which does not use drugs, but it turns out the way it works is almost similar to medical treatment, so there's no medical reason for people to underestimate this acupuncture technique.

So, select the acupuncture or medical? It's all up to you.