Jumat, 30 September 2011

Why Women Need Gymnastics Kegel?

Female pelvic floor muscles is easily weakened by childbirth, age or overweight which resulted, among others, hard to hold pee (beser). To strengthen these pelvic muscles with Kegel exercises can be done. These exercises can also improve sexual activity.

Pelvis down and is a condition known as pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic drop due cause pelvic pressure, uncomfortable and cause leakage of urine. Pelvic organ prolapse is not inevitable.

However, Kegel exercises can help delay or even prevent pelvic organ prolapse and associated symptoms. Kegel exercises can strengthen pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and bowel.

Kegel exercises are usually performed along with counseling and sex therapy, so that it can also help women who have problems achieving orgasm.

The technique is easy to do Kegel exercises contract the way he is (hold then release) the muscles as to initially hold urine for 5 seconds, then relax. Keep repeating the exercise at least five times in succession with increasing length of time to hold urine for 15-20 seconds.

This exercise is relatively easy because it can be done anytime and only takes a few minutes. Exercises can be done in the office chair, sitting, walking, standing, or lying down.

Kegel exercises are one of the physical exercise that is very easy to do and can be done anywhere, even while completing other tasks. Kegel exercises can indeed be done anytime, even while driving a car, sitting at a desk or relax on the couch. Kegel exercises can be performed even though being pregnant.

How to do Kegel exercises?

It takes diligence to identify pelvic muscles and learn how to do contraction and relaxation with a true and correct. As quoted from MayoClinic, Thursday (22/09/2011), some hints for Kegel exercises, among others:

1. Looking for proper muscle
Insert a finger inside the vagina and try to squeeze the surrounding muscles. The pelvis is moved upwards to the vagina can also be moved. Then do feel that muscle relaxation and pelvic floor back to the starting position.

Can also try to stop the flow of urine when you urinate. Doing Kegel exercises with a full bladder can weaken the muscles. and can cause bladder emptying is not complete, so it can increase the risk of urinary tract infections.

2. Perfecting the technique
After identifying your pelvic muscles and bladder emptying, then sit or lie down. Perform pelvic floor muscle contraction, hold the contraction for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds.

Try 4 or 5 times in a row. Then increase the exercise duration of 5 seconds to 10 seconds, and certainly give pause when going to start training again.

3. Keeping focus
For best results, focus on tightening the pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in, thigh muscles, the abdominal muscles or buttocks muscles. Avoid not to hold my breath. Instead, breathe freely during exercise.

4. Do the exercises 3 times a day
Perform the exercise repetitions from 3 to 10 times every day. Malakukan repeatedly exercise every day is very likely to Kegel exercises, because these exercises can be done while doing other activities.

When experiencing difficulties

If you're having trouble doing Kegel exercises, do not be shy to ask for help. Physician or other health care provider can help you to be able to isolate and exercise the muscles correctly.

In some cases, biofeedback exercises may also help. During biofeedback training sessions, your doctor or health care provider will insert a small probe into the vagina.

When performing the contraction in the pelvic muscles, you will see the measurement on the monitor, making it possible to know whether it has managed to make the contraction in the muscles of the right. Can also to see how long it can maintain contraction.

If necessary, electrical stimulation is sometimes also an option. During the procedure, the doctor or other health care providers will give a small electrical current to the pelvic floor muscles. The electrical current can make muscle contractions, which usually produces the sensation of buzzing. Once accustomed to these sensations, you may be able to repeat the exercise.

If you do Kegel exercises regularly, it will show the results, such as leakage of urine (beser) was reduced in about 8-12 weeks. For some women, Kegel exercises can lead to significant improvements in sexual activity.

However, at least Kegel exercises can prevent worsening of sexual problems. In order to provide the benefits of Kegel exercises continuously, it is necessary to routinely.

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