Jumat, 30 September 2011

Warming and Cooling Important When Exercise

Exercise has many benefits for health. In order for the perceived benefits of the maximum, do not forget to do these 2 things before and after exercise.

There are two important aspects during exercise should be done so that results can be better exercise and maximum, that is also warming up and cooling (cooling down), each performed for 15 minutes.

Here is the reason why the heating and cooling needs to be done before and after exercise, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (30/09/2011), namely:

Before starting olahrga the muscles in the body in a state of rigid, so it needs to be warming to loose to be ready to do vigorous activity and avoid injury.

There are several things to do in the process of warming up and stretching, namely:

   1. To raise the body temperature, the heating should start with light aerobic activity like jogging.
   2. To launch an arm stretch and improve blood circulation to the upper body and body position should be balanced. Raise your hand and feel the way stretching from the waist followed by taking a deep breath to feel relaxed or relaxed.
   3. Stretch your shoulders to help increase range of motion, let the arms follow the shoulders can move while sitting or standing.
   4. Lift leg to stretch the hamstrings, one leg lifted and one foot still touching the ground another.

After exercising the body needs to be cooling as important as the heating process. This is necessary so that the muscles are pushed out when exercising the same again.

There are several things to be done in the cooling process, namely:

   1. Wiggled his hips or bones to reduce the tension of the lower back.
   2. Light aerobic exercise such as walking is good for cooling, because it allows the body to melembabakan yourself.
   3. Use warm clothes in the process of cooling to prevent heat loss from the body.
   4. Stretch to make the muscles so relaxed, do it slowly and hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds.

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