Jumat, 30 September 2011

Tricks Sports Safe for Diabetes

One of the things recommended for people with diabetes is exercise. But to know what steps to do to stay safe while exercising.

Sport has the potential to control diabetes through drugs such as non reducing disease severity as well as significantly reducing the risk of long-term complications.

Other benefits can be gained is to burn calories, helps the body respond to insulin, improve circulation, especially in the arms and legs, helps reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure and reduce stress.

Even so there are some things to do during exercise so as not to cause injury or wound, because people with diabetes tend to have a longer recovery time and potential complications.

Here are some things you should note, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (09/23/2011), namely:
1. Talk with your doctor to find out what a good sport to do
2. Exercise regularly, ideally at the same time every day, and adjust the schedule of meals and insulin injections
3. But avoid injecting insulin into the muscle to be used during exercise, because insulin is absorbed rapidly so that it can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
4. Avoid exercise when blood sugar levels are low, so check blood sugar levels before and after exercise
5. Try to eat high-carbohydrate about 15 minutes before exercise
6. When you exercise wear cotton socks and comfortable shoes that fit and, once completed check whether there are foot injuries, abrasions, irritation or other injury because people with diabetes tend to be more resistant (numbness)
7. If you feel any numbness or reduced feeling in the legs, then choose a low impact activities such as walking, cycling or swimming and avoid jogging
8. If you have heart problems, should not exercise its own
9. Or high-impact strength training is not recommended for people with uncontrolled diabetes.
10. Exercise can lower blood sugar levels, so keep in mind the signs of hypoglycemia during exercise, such as headaches, rapid heart beat, confusion, weakness, stop exercising immediately.
11. Try to bring the glucose food such as chocolate, sweets or sweet drinks, because hypoglycemia can occur during exercise or a few hours later.

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